

Right to abortion: Will the U.S. Supreme Court junk its landmark precedents?
29 July 2021
Right to abortion: Will the U.S. Supreme Court junk its landmark precedents?

The State of Mississippi asks the U.S. Supreme Court to overrule its landmark decisions in which it held that the right of a woman to have an abortion was protected by the U.S. Constitution. On July 22, 2021, Mississippi Attorney General Lynn Fitch filed with the U.S. Supreme Court the main brief in case No. […]

The judicial war for Poland’s Supreme Court Disciplinary Chamber: with whom will the final word rest?
22 July 2021
The judicial war for Poland’s Supreme Court Disciplinary Chamber: with whom will the final word rest?

If the legal conflict between the EC and Poland is to be compared with war, this war seems to be in an escalation phase. And the matter here is who will be the ultimate referee in the cases of constitutional weight. Warsaw will scrutinize the documents provided by the European Commission and is ready to […]

Last year Covid lockdown was unconstitutional, Spain’s Constitutional Court rules
15 July 2021
Last year Covid lockdown was unconstitutional, Spain’s Constitutional Court rules

With a narrow majority of six to five, the Spanish Constitutional Court decided that the government had acted contrary to the Constitution when it forced Spaniards to stay at home during the 2020 waves of the Covid-19 pandemic. On July 14, 2021, the Spanish Constitutional Court (SCC) set a precedent by ruling that several provisions […]

Chile’s future constitution: a leftward drift?
05 June 2021
Chile’s future constitution: a leftward drift?

Chileans have elected their Constitutional Convention that is to come up with a draft new basic law in 12 months at the latest, getting rid of the Pinochetian one. On May 15 and 16, 2021, after two postponements due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Chileans finally elected members of the Constitutional Convention tasked with designing a […]

Joe Biden orders establishment of a Commission on the Supreme Court with a view of expanding it
10 April 2021
Joe Biden orders establishment of a Commission on the Supreme Court with a view of expanding it

POTUS’s approach should be an example for Zelensky, says CCD Board Chair On Apr. 9, the President of the United States Joe Biden issued an executive order establishing a Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court of the United States. “This action is part of the Administration’s commitment to closely study measures to improve the federal […]

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